On the Bookshelf: Spring 2018

Bookcover for Technically Together

Technically Together
Taylor Dotson ’15 • MIT Press, 2017

In his book Technically Together: Reconstructing Community in a Networked World, the author examines a range of systems, organizations, and infrastructures—from suburban sprawl and smartphones to energy grids and “cry-it-out” sleep training for infants—and considers whether they contribute to the atomization of social life or to togetherness and community vibrancy. He argues that technology could support multifaceted communities if citizens stopped accepting the technological status quo and instead demanded more from their ever-present devices.

Taylor Dotson, Ph.D. ’15, is assistant professor of social science at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology.

Book cover of Biomedical Mass Transport and Chemical Reaction

Biomedical Mass Transport and Chemical Reaction
Gerald Saidel ’60 et al. • Wiley, 2016

Biomedical Mass Transport and Chemical Reaction is intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students, especially in chemical and in biomedical engineering. A major objective of this textbook is to integrate engineering principles with relevant biomedical applications at the cellular, tissue, organ, and whole-body levels. With this book, students learn step-by-step how to develop models and analyses associated with state-of-the-art medical diagnostics and therapeutics.

Gerald M. Saidel ’60, Ph.D., is a biomedical engineering professor at Case Western Reserve University.

Book cover of Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Shellie Asher ’96 et al. • Cambridge University Press, 2018

Pediatric patients are a unique subset of emergency patients, making up about one-quarter of all emergency department visits. Textbooks regarding the care of pediatric patients are almost universally organized by organ system, which does not facilitate an efficient diagnosis. Taking a case-based approach, this book is arranged by chief complaint, using real patient scenarios to help the reader work through the inductive and deductive reasoning needed to assess, evaluate, treat, and disposition pediatric patients with urgent complaints.

Shellie Asher ’96, M.D., is assistant dean for graduate medical education at Albany Medical Center.