
CE Professor and Department Chair Lewis Combs ’16 on a 1955 summer survey
CE Professor and Department Chair Lewis Combs ’16 on a 1955 summer survey. Who can identify his companion and the location?

For 60 years, beginning in 1897, civil engineering students completed summer courses in surveying, which were held at a variety of locations within a 50-mile radius of Troy. The survey teams were accompanied by a faculty adviser and stayed at local inns and boarding houses. Bob McGrath ’56 shared memories from the summer of 1955 at the Hoosac School in Hoosick, N.Y.

“One morning Professor Parker was in the lead as we strode forward for the day’s activities. Coming up over a hill, we saw a herd of cattle a short distance ahead. Parker halted the group. With a concerned look, he carefully studied the animals. When the herd started moving toward us, he shouted, “By God, they’re bulls! Run for it!” This set off a panicked retreat. Left behind were transits, levels, and other assorted equipment. Eventually, the professor stopped the fleeing mob. Laughing now, he said, “Take it easy men, they’re only cows.” In our group were a lot of city boys, and that included me.”