Faculty Achievements

Shirley Ann Jackson, president, has received the prestigious 2021 Hans Christian Oersted Medal, presented by the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). The Oersted Medal recognizes her outstanding, widespread, and lasting impact on the teaching of physics through her pioneering global leadership in physics education, her exceptional service to AAPT, and her mentoring of students and in-service teachers.

Jonathan Dordick, the Howard P. Isermann ’42 Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, was elected to the National Academy of Engineering for his “contributions to methods for rapidly screening drug efficacy and toxicity, and biocatalytic technologies for improving human health.

Peter Wayner Jr., professor emeritus of chemical engineering, won the 2020 Max Jakob Memorial Award. This award recognizes “eminent achievement of distinguished service in the area of heat transfer.”

Ge Wang, the Clark and Crossan Endowed Chair Professor of Biomedical Engineering, received the 2021 EMBS Academic Career Achievement Award. Given by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, the award recognizes “outstanding contribution and achievement in the field of biomedical engineering as an educator, researcher, developer, or administrator.”

Pingkun Yan, assistant professor of biomedical engineering, was among 63 inventors named by the National Academy of Inventors to the 2021 Class of Senior Members.

David Corr, associate professor of biomedical engineering, has been elected as a fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). He joins a distinct group of less than 3,500 fellows among nearly 90,000 ASME members.

John Wen, head of the Department of Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering, was named the winner of the 2020 International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications Best Paper Award.

Ryan Gilbert, professor of biomedical engineering, was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering 2021 Class of Fellows

X. George Xu, the Edward E. Hood Endowed Chair Professor Emeritus of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering, was elected to the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering 2021 Class of Fellows.

Birsen Yazici, professor of electrical, computer, and systems engineering, has been named a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Fewer than 0.1% of voting members are chosen each year to receive this honor.